perjantai 6. huhtikuuta 2012

5 Killer Reasons To Buy A Keyword Rich Domain Name

Why to buy a domain name and not to create a new one from the scratch? Well, actually you can reach good results with both ways, but you will save a lot of pain, when you buy a domain name.

Somehow it is easier to evaluate a keyword rich domain name, because it is not your baby. The first impression is usually the best guide. However, there are some points, which you have to think to reach the best possible result.

1. Does The Keyword Rich Domain Include A Promise To The Customer?

The domain is majorily meant to the customers and secundarily to the search engines. What does the candidate domain tell to the customer? Does it tell, what the site is about? Does it promise some benefits about the landing page? If the answer is yes, the domain has just passed the first requirement.

2. Is The Keyword A Long Tail One?

When you are about to ,buy a domain name, which includes a search term, is the search term a so called long tail one?

3. A Search Term In The Domain Can Become A Niche Authority.

The domain names are like brands and if they have an ability to tell to the market the benefits the site offers, this helps to grow a domain as a niche authority. When this happens it will help the marketing a lot!

4. The Search Term Domain Is What The Search Engines Love.

When you succeed to buy a domain name with the search term it helps to reach higher rankings at the search engines.

5. A Good Domain Shouts The Message Of A Successful Operation.

The domain is in most cases the first part of your business, which the site visitor will see. The first impression is important and it will determine, whether the surfer will continue to your landing page or whether he will continue the trip.

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing Sees Benefits To Buy A Domain Name, Which Tells Your Business Promise.